The Punisher Netflix Series Title Revealed 

Ever since The Punisher was introduced on Daredevil, he became a fan favorite, so much so that Netflix ordered a series for him & as of right now,  a title has been revealed.

The title for The Punisher Netflix series will be Crime. I can see it but I would rather call it The Punisher, simply as that. (But that’s just me).

Possible The Punisher Spinoff

With the second season of Marvel’s Daredevil coming to Netflix in March, they are thinking about having a spinoff of have a series following the comic book character that is coming to the new season, The Punisher.

That would be really cool if they do because for someone like me who thinks The Punisher is real cool but no nothing about, creating a show following him would be great, espcially the success Jessica Jones & Daredevil has already.

Let’s make it happen, Marvel & Netflix.